Setelah 6 bulan menggunakan pop box saya mau update bahwa ada perkembangan yg baik untuk sistemnya. notifikasi masuk melalui email dan lebih mudah digunakan, walau belum selancar dulu waktu lewat WA. bravo
Tanpa sepengetahuan account ke logout. Ga ke notif, masuk2 g ada notif apa2. Sampe bbrp hari bru tau barang uda nyampe dr kemarin2, ditanyain ke satpam bru dikontak ke customer servicenya, baru masuk notifnya. trus tetep bayar denda.....
Too much hassle n so inefficient
Pas mau titip barang disuruh bayar pake saldo popbox, tapi ga disediain gimana cara top up nya
I like this and it helps me a lot. In the apartment where I live there are 3 popboxes and the courier who sends it always gives the right information. I can pick up the package in the right box according to the info. Everything is managed very well, making it easy for me to find my package.
If your apartment uses popbox's system, they gonna mess up your packet and id number so bad that you can't collect yours. Goodluck with the application. For you all having the collecting issue, JUST PRESS FORGOT PIN TO RESET IT. IT'S FASTER ANYWAY.
Great things to make you save to put your things in public area
Sdh bbrp kali bermasalah saat pengambilan.. Mulai dr screen mati dan pembayaran dg gopay maupun ovo gak bs.. Hotline sblm smp bs bicara dg operator terlalu lama, betul2 buang2 waktu dan pulsa orang.. please dong layanannya diperbaiki..
I used to have login issues as well. But the latest version seems to have fix it. Working perfectly fine now.
Aplikasi gembel. Stgh jam ada mau bikin akun gak bs2. Kodeny kirim bego 2x kirim brg kyk begini. Kode gak d kirim2, kl gak siap buat bisnis mending gak usah bikin tuh popbox